Thursday, January 29, 2009

Russki Robot on PUR

I'm excited to report a most successful guest appearance on last Tuesday's (1-27-09) episode of Parallel University Radio by Santa Barbara's newest, Russki Robot. This lo-fi 3 piece consists of Andrew McIntyre (guitar/vox), Ami Nashimoto (cello/ukulele/accordian/vox), and Shane Thompson (drums). Andrew's polished vocals and Ami's instrumental diversity make for an uncommon listening experience, somewhere in the vicinity of the Decimberists, at least if the latter had emerged from a Pacific island. Despite the more-acoustic-than-usual set up at the show, Russki gave off an energetic performance with a sense of humor for our radio audience (I believe they described their music as "perfect"). At the least, it is simultaneously well written music and fun to listen to.

Lest I forget, Russki's recently increased activity level is to promote the launch of their myspace page. Check them out at and listen to their performance on P.U.R. below.

Ruski Robot - Live on KCSB